How To Protect Your Deck From The Weather? (Full Guide)

Building a deck can be a fun task to do but protecting it from the weather so your wood doesn’t get swole, chipped, or cracked can be a nuisance.

Whether you use composite or natural hardwood, you would need to take some measures to ensure that the harshness of the weather does not spoil the pristine condition of your deck.

A reasonable solution is to seal your deck before harsh weather comes around. No matter what type of deck you’ve built, every deck needs protection against the weather. As decks are made of mostly natural and composite wood, harsh weather conditions can cause the deck to split, crack, swell due to humidity, and a lot more.

Protecting deck from weather

Stay tuned for in-depth details regarding the protection of your deck from the weather.

How To Protect Your Deck From The Weather? | An Ultimate Guide

Seal Your Deck To Protect It From The Weather

Wood sealants are your number one source of protection from harsh weather conditions. If you want your deck to retain its color, shine, and sturdiness, you must take care of it and provide it with all the necessary means to withstand thermal and seasonal changes.

Not caring for your deck and leaving it be can cause it to fade, crack, wilt, or swell over time, as weather deterioration is not merciful.

Using a sealant can help prevent all these from happening and surely increase your deck’s longevity. Below are a few types of sealants that you should consider according to the weather you expect next.

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UV & Fade Resistant

UV and fade-resistant wood sealers work excellently to save the color and shine of your deck and ensure that it always looks lush despite being exposed to sunlight half of the day.

UV rays can cause serious damage to your wooden boards. Causing the color of the wood to fade is only the beginning of the problem.

Prolonged exposure to UV rays can cause the wooden planks to dry up and lose all the necessary moisture present inside them. This might make your boards stiffer than normal and prone to breaking. They are more likely to lose their strength, break upon impact, or start to crack.


Waterproof wood sealers are extremely important in the rainy season, as excessive water landing on your deck can create serious problems.

Firstly, the water can get stuck in the expansion room you have left for the boards, which will disable expansion and weaken the structure.

Secondly, the water can seep into the wood through the pores and cause it to swell up. This would mean that the wood has lost its strength completely and become a spongy compound that will wither very soon.

Lastly, if the water freezes in either the expansion room or inside the boards, it can cause them to break almost immediately, and your deck will be destroyed in a matter of days.

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Preparing Your Deck For Sealing

Let us guide you if you’ve decided that you want to seal your deck but need help knowing where to start. Deck sealing is a simple DIY, and if you’ve built your deck already, this will just be a walk in the park.

Preparing Your Deck For Sealing

However, if you are new to sealing techniques, rest assured, as we shall guide you through the entire process of executing a successful sealing plan.

Clean Your Deck

It is very important to clean your deck before sealing it. You must remove all the dirt, grime, or any other residue that might be present on your deck.

This is mainly because if you seal your deck without cleaning it, the impurities will be sealed along and trapped on the surface of your deck, from where they might work their way in and destroy the wood from the inside.

There are a few ways you can clean your deck. First is power washing; if you have a pressure washer at home, now is the time to bring it to use.

Pressure wash your deck thoroughly to remove all the visible impurities from the surface. If you want, you can scrub it with a brush, too but make sure that it is mild; otherwise, you may scratch the surface.

If you don’t have a pressure washer, you can move directly to scrubbing after simple washing.

It would be best to use a wood cleaner and disinfectant to clean the surface properly. Make sure to scrub the spaces between boards, as dirt often builds up in these areas.

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Sand The Deck

Once you have completed the cleaning process, it is time that you sand it down. You can use dry sanding or wet sanding, whatever you like, as long as you make the surface smooth.

Sand The Deck

If your deck is newly built, it is better to wait for around 30 days before sealing or sanding so you can allow the structure to settle down.

Clean Again

If you’re done with the sanding process, it is now time to clean it again, as there will be a lot of small wood shavings or sawdust that might have come off after sanding. Follow the same procedure for cleaning as mentioned above.

Let It Dry

Never seal your decks in a wet condition, as this will lock the moisture in, and the wood will become soggy and may start to chip.

Hence, it is better to leave it for a day or two, so it can dry completely. Cover it with a cloth if you fear it might get dirty again.

Seal It

Now that the deck has been sanded, cleaned, and dried, it is time to seal it. Choose a sealant of your preference and apply it according to the instructions.

Make sure you apply the right amount, as a very thick or thin layer might yield different results. Once you have successfully applied the sealant on the entire surface, let it dry and lock it into the wood, and you’re good to go.

Other Options

There are other options if you want to avoid sealing your deck. Please have a look below, as we have listed some other ways through which you will be able to protect your deck from harsh weather conditions.


Stains are pigmented substances that protect against harsh UV rays and resist moisture. If you want a better color and protection on your deck, you can try staining but do keep in mind that it doesn’t provide as much protection as sealants from moisture.

So, if you live in an area where humidity is high, or it is a tropical zone, you should reconsider your decision.


Wood painting is yet another option to protect your deck from weather degradation. It provides a considerable amount of protection from both UV rays and moisture.

But, the only problem lies in the longevity of the paint. Wood paints fade quickly and are less long-lasting than sealants.

Build A Roof

Building a roof will be the most suitable for you if you need more than the above solutions. You can build a roof in various ways, e.g., a canopy over poles, a wooden roof, ready-made sheds, etc.

Build A Roof

This will cover your deck from the top and protect it from direct UV rays, snowfall, and rain. However, it is still prone to some extent of damage as it doesn’t cover the deck from all sides.

Cover It Up

If sealing, painting, building a roof, and staining are too much of a hassle, then your best solution is to cover the deck up when not using it.

Please use parachute material, but any other water-resistant material would be good enough.

Timely Maintenance

Performing the necessary steps mentioned earlier means that your responsibilities have continued. You must maintain the deck regularly to prevent it from getting damaged and keep it in pristine condition.

Here are a few steps that you can follow to ensure proper maintenance and cleaning of your decks:

  • Make sure that unwanted furniture or waste items are not resting on the deck. Brushing off leaves and dust regularly helps maintain a clean look.
  • If the deck gets too dirty, make sure you power wash and scrub it, so the dirt and grim don’t build up.
  • If you intend to use something other than the deck in winter, it is better to cover it up so it doesn’t get affected by rain or snowfall.
  • However, if you decide to use it in winter, please don’t let the snow pile up on your deck and shovel it time to it.
  • Slow and precise shoveling is always better than aggressive movements, as it can ruin the deck.


Harsh weather can destroy your wooden panels and cause them to break, hence it is best to seal, stain, or paint your deck as soon as you’ve finished construction.

This would allow for your deck to be protected against the weather and its health would be maintained.

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